Thursday, October 15, 2009

Sentence Stretchers

Here I am in 262 on Thursday of MEA Break. My kindergartner is drawing on the white board, and I'm recording your best sentences from Tuesday's activity.

There were some great ones! Here they are:

A couple of weeks ago, boisterous Hermes trekked zealously to Circe's island.
Radiant Penelope cries continuously at her palace.
As Odysseus sailed, enraged Poseidon tortured persistently in the ocean.
In the morning, one ugly Polyphemus sat lonely in his cave.
After being blinded, one brash Polyphemus mourned terribly on his island.
A couple of days ago, gregarious Alcinous hailed lavishly in his dining room.
During the war, envied Achilles perished heroically on the battle field.
Last week, dangerous scylla killed brutally at the cave.
Many years ago, lavish Aeolus gave his children gave his children to each other in marriage gaily in his palace.
Every day, all mighty Zeus dictates prowerfully from above.
Long ago, one despondant Penelope deluded deceitfully in Greece.
Long ago, one lithe Calypso coaxed Odysseus benevolently into her island.
While Odysseus is off at sea, one abject Penelope gapes frantically at the evil suitors.
Colossal Helios shines radiantly in the sky.
One colossal Polyphemus upbraided the men dauntingly in the cave.
A long time ago, many tranquil lotus eaters savored incessantly in the Mediterranean.
One persuasive Eurylochus goaded incessantly on the island.
Years ago, one formidable Odysseus trekkend steadfastly on the sea.

Phew! Have a great break, and remember - quiz on Books 13-18 on Monday!

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