Monday, September 14, 2009

Love for the MLA!

Well, the reactions to the MLA rules were about what I expected. The bottom line is: the MLA rules for formatting and citation are hard to learn and remember. However, they are necessary, as they give us a standard way to cite sources. Properly using MLA also shows you care about entering into the larger scholarly community.

For homework tonight, you're preparing for our first big discussion on Davita. Please answer the following in your notebook. You must have this assignment completed in order to participate in the discussion tomorrow!

Answer these first two questions about parenting on two levels: First, explore your personal opinion regarding the question; and second, answer in terms of the text.

1. What is a good mother?

2. What is a good daughter or son?

Now, further explore Ilana Davita's parents by completing the following tasks:

3. What are the pros and cons of Anne's mothering? What does she do well? What does she do poorly? Make a t-chart to show your thinking. Support each pro and con with a quote from the text.

4. Make a double-bubble map comparing Michael and Ezra as fathers.

5. For you personally, and in the text, what makes a good father?

Finally, write a theme statement on Potok's beliefs about parenting. For example: In Davita's Harp, Potok claims that a good mother ________________.

I'm looking forward to hearing your ideas on these topics! See you tomorrow!

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